Briovent Ventilator


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Adult, Pediatric & Neonatal (starting @2ml)
Turbine Driven
15.6 inch display with touch screen
PRVC, SIMV, APRV, MMV, BIPHASIC modes are included apart from conventional modes.
Apnea Backup Mode – PC A/C or VC A/C
NIV with automatic leakage compensation
Waveforms & Loops – Pressure Time Waveform, Volume Time Waveform, Pressure Volume Loop, Flow Volume Loop, Flow – Pressure Loop
Breath by Breath monitoring of 31important parameters
O2 Therapy(HFNC) – FiO2 : 21% – 100%, Flow : 1- 60 LPM
Personalized Profiles
4 hours of battery backup
Breath by Breath display of Compliance and resistance
Int. PEEP, P0.1, Hold, Exp. Hold Maneuvers
Graphical Trend/Tabular Trend/Event Log
Low Flow Oxygen(LPO)
Peak Inspiratory flow upto 200LPM (Regulated)
Dynamic Setting Limit as per safety standard – do not allow user to do wrong setting


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